Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Your Membership Includes:

  • Over 30 Modules to help deepen your understanding of how to work smarter, eliminate bad habits, and improve your productivity

  • Live Group Calls Twice Monthly facilitated by Dr. Eugene

  • Access to additional support via email

  • Invitations to pop-up Members only Private workshops

  • BONUS: Business & Impact Masterclass: How to Think Like The Greatest Leaders of All Time



“Before coming to Dr. Eugene, we were overwhelmed with the mental and physical exhaustion we were exerting trying to run our business with just the two of us. With Eugene’s mentorship and encouragement, We saw a change in our productivity and we were able to boost our sales again by taking advantage of marketing during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season...

Read More⪢

We were also able to land our first big-time investor with Dr. Eugene’s coaching, which gave us $150,000. Not only that, but when we were about to give up altogether on the business, his coaching helped turn things around and we were able to do the work that got us from zero to over 770,000 Instagram followers in two years and zero to 3.5 Million followers on Tiktok in less than 5 months! And we can’t believe it, but we are now running a sustainable business doing work we absolutely love.

We would highly recommend Dr. Eugene to anyone who is trying to pursue a dream, whether that be a business venture or a big life change. His inherent knowledge and experience made him the dream coach for us, helping us navigate the unknown.” 

Jenine Pastores & Josh Jackson, Creators of Tubby Nugget


Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Still unsure? Hear from some of Dr. Eugene's clients who have participated in the program:


"Dr. Eugene's training provided me with the knowledge and awareness to make powerful and impactful life changes. He does so in a safe and supportive space and with incredible empathy. If you are ready to make meaningful changes in your personal and professional life, I highly recommend this training."

Lisa Broome, Chief Cultural Officer at
Alchemy Accounting and Bookkeeping


"Dr. Eugene combines neuroscience and his years of experience into a comprehensive, impactful training. You will walk away knowing, feeling and consciously aware of your state of mind. This is life changing and a must training."

Evelyn Eccard, CEO of Bravo Leadership International


“I felt VERY empowered throughout the entire process. I felt like I was given the tools to understand my own mind and how I could use it to my understanding and advantage when moving throughout my daily life but also in terms of listening to my core sense of self. I have come back to my "true north" so many times when making decisions on what to do next, and it seems to flow out of me much more easily than it did before. I have become a much better friend and advocate for myself and that is a priceless gift.”

Dori Iris Zabari, Founder of DIZI Strategies


“Neurohacking School with Dr. Eugene has been a complete game changer for me. I've struggled with imposter syndrome for well over 20 years and it wasn't until I worked with Dr. Eugene that I truly uncovered what was truly holding me back from experiencing the life I desired. I knew I had some limiting beliefs but I was never able to get myself free from them until I did the deep work in Neurohacking School.

I discovered that I had something holding me back that I was totally unaware of. Dr Eugene helped bring it to my consciousness and then I was able to make a change to a deeply held untruth. There are great coaches, courses and programs available but none as intuitive, compelling and caring as Dr. Eugene and Neurohacking School.

I have more clarity now about the direction of my life personally and professionally after joining. I strongly suggest investing in yourself and getting connected with Dr. Eugene. He will take you to the next level. I mean it when I say it changed my life!!!”

Matt Clark, Executive Coach and
Former Pit Stop Performance Coach for NASCAR racing


Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Monthly Payment



You will be charged $97 per month.

Annual Payment



You will be charged $997 per year.

Neurohacking School FAQ’s:

When does it start?

 RIGHT AWAY! You'll get access as soon as you sign up.

How long will it take to complete the modules?

The content in this course is all recorded and provided to you to go through at your own pace. If you want to complete it all at once, it'll range from half a day to a full day approximately four to eight (4-8) hours. The only scheduled portion of the course are the live office hours to be run twice a month on the 2nd Friday and 4th Tuesday of each month.

Do we have access to you during the program?

Yes! I will be available via email and twice a month office hours during your membership.

What is the return policy?

All I ask is that you have completed the course and if you find this hasn't helped you in any we are happy to end and refund that month's membership.

How is your course different from other courses?

All my training is backed by science and research. I bring a different perspective as a board certified healthcare professional and business & marketing expert. I have generated over 23 million views and worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs scaling their business and upleveling their mental performance.

I’m worried I won’t have enough time to do this program

It is possible that you can do it in a day. I made it a workshop style course for that exact reason. All you need to do is block out a day or two to really deep dive into the program. Or if you have a busy schedule, you can pace yourself and do one module at a time.

I always get stuck on technology

This is not tech heavy at all. Right after you sign up start watching the modules and come to my office hours with questions. You will also receive your login information in an email right after purchase on all the info you need to access the course as well as instructions on how to get support if you have questions.

How can I know if this course is for me?

The type of people I only work with are the ones who value solving important problems that need to be solved in the world. Whether that’s a mission to improve people’s mental health, provide resources to those in unfortunate circumstances, or empower the oppressed, I’m here to help you maximize your impact.

You also understand the fact that in order to make the most impact you can make, the most important investment to make is the investment in your own growth. So simply put, if you’re a leader, entrepreneur, or professional that’s committed to growth and you care about positive impact, then this course is for you.

Is this an event to work on my mindset or my profession?

The short answer, is BOTH. However, the science shows that if your brain is not working right where you constantly feel stress, anxiety, frustration and all the other emotions that don’t feel good, then it negatively impacts the decisions you make.

This is why we first go over how to train your brain to work for your instead of against you. That way, you’ll feel a whole lot better, which is an indicator that the part of your brain that’s capable of really important functions like critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity activate to its highest levels. Then after the fact, we can get into the details of the specific action steps to take for your business.

Will this be just another “motivational speaking” type course?

I’m not the cheerleading jump up and down type of person that just tries to hype you up for a few days and inspire you with messages like “just keep working harder”. In fact, doing that to you is likely to make things worse.

While there’s some truth to a lot of the advice the self-help gurus out there preach to you, what this course is really about is showing you how to develop a powerful skill that helps you activate a specific part of your brain that once turned on, you begin to clearly see the opportunities and solutions you have around you.

I’ll be proving to you how you can do this by backing it up with science based evidence. And don’t worry, the science stuff won’t be filled with jargon that’s hard to understand. My content has been crafted to be easy to comprehend, and more importantly, easy to apply to yourself.

How will this help me grow the impact I make?

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you make over 30,000 decisions PER DAY. And a lot of these decisions are made without you even thinking about it because your brain has become so conditioned to making them with you telling it to. That’s why it’s hard to make decisions that will be most beneficial to you even though you try really hard. Think about times where you knew eating healthier is good for you but you didn’t feel like it so you ate junk food. Or times you knew exercising is good for your health, but you didn’t feel like it, so you stayed home and binge watched Netflix.

Everything comes down to the decisions you make and there is an actual skill your brain has called executive function, which is the ability to make good decisions. And research shows that this specific part of your brain capable of doing that is turned off for the majority of your adult life. And if you were to take a moment to think about how often you find yourself stressed, frustrated, or anxious, that’s the very reason why that part of your brain is turned off.

By showing you how to turn this part of your brain AT WILL, you will find the clarity you need on what decisions to make next that will not only grow your business, but impact your life in a transformational way.

What will I actually be walking away from this course with?

After you finish this course, you will first and foremost understand the exact steps to develop the skills to activate your brain’s hidden superpowers. If you’ve been curious for a while what your unique strengths and gifts are, wanting to find clarity on your next steps, or get out of the cycle of overwhelm, anxiety and frustration, then you’re in for a pleasant surprise because there’s actual science that shows you how to do it.

The skills you will also be able to tap into more deeply are your critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and intuition, just to name a few. And you will know actual practical and tangible ways to do so.

As a result of you developing this skill, we will guide you through the process of coming up with a clear game plan for the growth of your impact you want to make in a tangible way. This is exactly why I’ve included the Business and Impact Masterclass as a bonus.

I’ve been personally mentored by multimillion dollar business owners and also coached hundreds of entrepreneurs these last few years alone and share all of my most important learnings on what it takes to succeed.

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